privacy policy

This privacy policy describes how we handle your personal information. By using (the’Site”) you consent to the storage, processing, transfer and disclosure of your personal information as described inthis privacy policy.


You may browse this Site without providing any personal information about yourself. However, to receivenotifications, updates or request additional information about or this Site, we maycollect the following information:

name, contact information, email address, company and user lD; correspondence sent to or from us; any additionalinformation you choose to provide; and other information from your interaction with our Site, services, content andadvertising, including computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the Site, addata, IP address and standard web log information.


We use your personal information to provide you with the services you request, communicate with you, troubleshootproblems, customize vour experience, inform you about our services and Site updates and measure interest in oursites and services.

Like many websites, we use “cookies” to enhance your experience and gather information about visitors and visits toour websites. Please refer to the “Do we use ‘cookies”?” section below for information about cookies and how we usethem.

Do we use “cookies”?

Yes. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through youlWeb browser (if you allow) that enables the site’s or service provider’s systems to recognize your browser andcapture and remember certain information. For instance, we use cookies to help us remember and process the itemsin your shopping cart. They are also used to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current siteactivity, which enables us to provide you with improved services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregatedata about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.We maycontract with third-party service providers to assist us in better understanding our site visitors. These serviceproviders are not permitted to use the information collected on our behalf except to help us conduct and improve ouibusiness.

You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is beng sent, or you can choose to turn off allcookies. You do this through your browser (like Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) settings. Each browser is alittle different, so look at your browser Help menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies. lf you turn cookiesoff, you won’t have access to many features that make your site experience more efficient and some of our serviceswill not function properly. However, you can still place orders over the telephone by contacting customer service.


We don’t sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicitconsent. We may disclose personal information to respond to legal requlrements, enforce our policies, respond toclaims that a posting or other content violates other’s rights, or protect anyone’s rights, property, or safety. Suchinformation will be disclosed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We may also share personalinformation with service providers who help with our business operations, and with members of our corporate familywho may provide ioint content and services and help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts. Should we plan tomerge or be acquired by another business entity, we may share personal information with the other company and willrequire that the new combined entity follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information.


You may access or update the personal information you provided to us at any time by contacting us at


We treat information as an asset that must be protected and use lots of tools to protect your personal informationagainst unauthorized access and disclosure. However, as you probably know, third parties may unlawfully intercepior access transmissions or private communications. Therefore, although we work very hard to protect your privacywe do not promise, and you should not expect that your personal information or private communications will alwaysremaln private.


We may update this policy at any time by posting amended terms on this site. All amended terms automatically takeeffect 30 days after they are initially posted on the site. For questions about this policy, please send email to us.